Bethesda Presbyterian Church Cub And Boy Scout Programs


The Boy Scouts of America believes that no young man can develop into a responsible young man without a stong relationship with God.  We at Bethesda Presbyterian Church share this belief and reinforce what a child may learn with his family his own church by integrating Christian values with the programs offered by the Boy Scouts of America.   The Scouting program at Bethesda Presbyterian Church serves all young men ages six or 1st grade through eighteen years of age. We start off the first grade student in our Tiger Cub program which is a parent and son program that introduces the child to the fun and adventures of Scouting. Second and third graders participate in the regular Cub Scout program while earning the ranks of Wolf and Bear. Fourth and fifth graders enter the Webelos program and begin learning the skills that will prepare them for Boy Scouting. It is in the Webelos program that a boy has the chance to earn Cub Scouting’s highest award the Arrow of Light.

When a boy reaches eleven years of age, enters the sixth grade, or has earned the Arrow of Light award he is eligible to move up to the Boy Scout program. It is in Boy Scouting that we seek to provide an environment where young boys can develop into responsible young men by combining a Christian values and the principles found in the Boy Scout Oath/Promise, Boy Scout Law, Boy Scout Motto and Slogan.


The Goals of Bethesda Scouting are to

To create a healthy environment where:

  1. Failures are turned into successes
  2. Self worth is more important than self accomplishment
  3. Openness of expression is taught within the boundaries of concern and courtesy


To sponsor activities that promote the purpose of scouting while having fun, advancing in scout rank and developing leadership ability


In order to accomplish our purpose and these goals your role as a parent is vitally important As a team, you and the scout adult leadership can help your sons reach their full potential as it relates to the opportunities Boy Scouting offers young men today.


We ask our parents to  help us by doing the following:

  1. READ all information sent home to you from the Scout leaders
  2. POST the activities Calendar in a prominent place in your home and make the activities a priority for your family activity planning.
  3. Try not to discipline your son by restricting their participation in Scout activities.  Scouting may be the element he needs the most for his character development.
  4. Realize that to miss an activity will begin to diminish their interest in the Scouting program.
  5. STAND behind the Scoutmasters in the enforcement of the "Scout Discipline" procedure
  6. Feel free to visit our meetings, outings, even to joining the ranks of adult leadership in our troop.  This may be the best opportunity you will ever have to spend quality time with your boy(s).


What is Tiger Cubs

What is Cub Scouting?

What is Boy Scouting?

What all New Cubs Need to Know


What are the Oaths we take as Scouts?

Tiger Cubs

I promise to love God, My family, and My country, and Learn about the world.

Cub Scouts

        I promise to do my best to God and my country, to help other people and obey the law of the pack.

Cub Scout Law of the Pack

        A Cub Scout follows Akela.

        The Cub Scout helps the pack go.

        The pack helps the Cub Scout grow.

        The Cub Scout gives goodwill.

Boy Scout Oath

        On my honor I will do my best
        to do my duty to God and my country
        and to obey the Scout Law;
        To help other people at all times;
        To keep myself physically strong,
        mentally awake, and morally straight.

Scout Law

        A Scout is Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful,
        Thrifty, Brave, Clean, and Reverent.



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